The Trust School launched its Students Healthcare Program in 2008 to promote its noble mission of quality education cum quality health.
A dedicated team of experienced medical professionals led by a professionally qualified School Medical Officer (SMO) caters to students’ physical, mental health and well being.
Continuous comprehensive medical checkup of all students. (Eyesight Screening, Vaccinations, Blood group Detection, Complete Blood Tests, BMI and Bone Screening Test Camps for parents, students and staff members).
Certified First Aid Trainings for staff and students.
Counselling for students and parents on personal hygiene, diet plans etc.
Lectures and circulars on signs, symptoms and prevention of Communicable and Seasonal Diseases to raise awareness amongst students and parents.
Arranging healthy baby competitions for children in junior classes and their parents to inculcate a sense of healthy eating and habits.
Organising speech competitions on topics related to health and well being (healthy body – healthy mind, ill effects of carbonated drinks, benefits of daily exercise).
Raising awareness on water borne diseases, air pollution and its harmful effects.
Celebrating World Water Day, Dental Health Day etc.
Annual Medical checkup of all the campuses and maintenance of Medical Checkup Record Targets.
Advising individual students and their parents about personal hygiene, diet plan and social counseling etc.
Implementation of PHM (Personal Hygiene Monitor) and awarding PHM cards and prizes
Lectures and circulars on signs, symptoms and prevention of Communicable and Seasonal Diseases to promote awareness amongst students and parents
Arranging Baby Health Competition for playgroup, nursery and prep classes and awarding prizes to the Baby Health Competition winners. Also distribution of prize for Mothers for their commendable efforts for ‘Babies Health’
Organizing speech competition on health topics such as Healthy Body Healthy Mind, Benefits of Morning Walk and Sports, Calcium Robbers (harmful effects of cola drinks), Benefits of vitamins and minerals, Pollution of Drinking Water and Water Born Diseases etc.
Celebrating World Water Day, Dental Health Care etc.
Hepatitis Screening and vaccination program
Blood Group Detection program
Eyesight Screening program
Blood Sugar, Cholesterol, Triglycerides, BMI Test Camps for parents
Bone Screening Camps for students’ mothers
Calcium Robbers Awareness Workshops for male and female teacher and TEDDS other employees
The Trust School is a non-profit and non-commercial welfare trust formed in 1993 and its sole purpose is to provide quality education to the underprivileged children of Pakistan.
The Trust School is a non-profit and non-commercial welfare trust formed in 1993 and its sole purpose is to provide quality education to the underprivileged children of Pakistan.